Chrome Line Exterior, MINI Cooper

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The Chrome Line Exterior kit gives your MINI Cooper a highly distinctive look. At the front, it includes a chrome edging and chrome bar for the lower grille, and chrome surrounds for the fog lights. For the rear, it includes a tailgate handle and surround for the central fog light in chrome.

For models up to 08/10.

ID da Peça: 51 46 2 757 946, 51 43 2 757 928, 51 46 2 758 283, 51 11 2 753 661, 51 11 2 753 673, 51 11 2 753 662, 51 11 2 753 674, 51 12 2 753 653, 51 11 2 755 687, 51 11 2 755 689, ...

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